
Swimming Class - Setia Alam Branch

Swimming class for 3 years old above in a private residence monthly basis. Private and Grouping class available. Once a week and 4 classes in a month, Price starts RM160 per month.

Swimming Class - Shah Alam Branch

Swimming class for 3 years old above in a private residence monthly basis. Private and Grouping class available. Once a week and 4 classes in a month, Price starts RM180 per month.

Swimming Class - Sri Mahligai Branch

Swimming class for 3 years old above in Sri Mahligai Condo Swimming Pool Shah Alam S9. JMB Approved. Private and Grouping class available. Once a week and 4 classes in a month, Price starts RM160 per month.

Swimming Class - Cyberjaya Branch

Swimming class for 6 month old above in an indoor and heater pool. Private and Grouping class available. Once a week and 4 classes in a month, Price starts RM200 per month.

Swimming Class - Setia Alam Branch
Swimming Class - Shah Alam Branch
Swimming Class - Sri Mahligai Branch
Swimming Class - Cyberjaya Branch

Scuba Diving


Discovery Scuba Diving

Prime Slider Addons for Elementor is a page builder extension that allows you to build sliders with drag and drop. It lets you create an amazing slider without touching no code at all!

Refresher / Buoyancy Training

Prime Slider Addons for Elementor is a page builder extension that allows you to build sliders with drag and drop. It lets you create an amazing slider without touching no code at all!
Discovery Scuba Diving
Refresher / Buoyancy Training


3D2N Swimming Camp

Prime Slider Addons for Elementor is a page builder extension that allows you to build sliders with drag and drop. It lets you create an amazing slider without touching no code at all!

3D2N Nusakuya Package

Prime Slider Addons for Elementor is a page builder extension that allows you to build sliders with drag and drop. It lets you create an amazing slider without touching no code at all!

3D2N Seoul, Korea Package

Prime Slider Addons for Elementor is a page builder extension that allows you to build sliders with drag and drop. It lets you create an amazing slider without touching no code at all!
3D2N Swimming Camp
3D2N Nusakuya Package
3D2N Seoul, Korea Package

LOCAL ADVENture package

3D2N Swimming Camp

Prime Slider Addons for Elementor is a page builder extension that allows you to build sliders with drag and drop. It lets you create an amazing slider without touching no code at all!

3D2N Nusakuya Package

Prime Slider Addons for Elementor is a page builder extension that allows you to build sliders with drag and drop. It lets you create an amazing slider without touching no code at all!

3D2N Seoul, Korea Package

Prime Slider Addons for Elementor is a page builder extension that allows you to build sliders with drag and drop. It lets you create an amazing slider without touching no code at all!
3D2N Swimming Camp
3D2N Nusakuya Package
3D2N Seoul, Korea Package