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7 Tips Travelling With Infant (Jeju Island Edition)

7 Tips Travelling With Infant (Jeju Island Edition)


Married? Have kids ? 1 ? 2? 4? No matter how we will go through this phase of life. Get married and have kids of our own. To those who are new to this phase of life, would feel different when it comes to travelling. It may excite you or it may exhaust you doing things that you love. So how do you exactly travel with an infant? Our team have recently travelled to Jeju with their 6 months old baby for the first time. Here are some tips that might be able to ease your journey and keep on travels the world. All the best to all the Mummies and Daddies in the world!

1. Stimulate your baby's senses

2. Enjoy the moment and establish a strong bond together

3. Always keep your baby clean

4. Communication is important, even if its a baby

3. Always keep your baby clean

4. Communication is important, even if its a baby

7. Be flexible always

8. Equip with enough resources

The Writer

Siti Maisarah Hussein

A mother of a cute little girl who curates Project Vacation Social Media content & strategy with a mission to inspire more people to explore the world and live life to the fullest


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